Thought-provoking articles and classroom ideas for English teachers who never stop learning.
Using AI to transform English Language Teaching
In this article, Richard Moon shares some thoughts about using AI in the classroom and how he has been using it to engage learners and cut down on preparation time while also considering some of AIs drawbacks.
Read this postPassing written exams with a good grade does not only require knowledge of English, it also involves careful analysis of the question(s) being asked, planning your answer and structured practice. Find out how Nick Franklin tackles EFL exam preparation in his latest post.
Read this postMore than any other teacher, English teachers have to master the art of giving instructions. Why is it so difficult and how can you make sure your student always know what to do? Lindsay Clandfield explains all!
Read this postSpeaking in class is both essential and difficult to do. In this post, Nick Franklin explores some simple techniques and strategies to get everyone in your class speaking, sensibly, in English.
Read this postWhere, how, when and to what end your students are seated is a vital factor in successful language practice. Discover Nick Franklin’s worst classroom management experience, how he learned from it and some great ideas for 21st-century ESL students.
Read this postMaximum engagement in class is achieved when your students are involved in creating their own class resources. Here are 4 ideas to keep them engaged and improving all year long.
Read this postThe summer holidays are almost here. How can you keep your students happy engaged until school’s out? Here are 6 ways to get them motivated.
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