Thought-provoking articles and classroom ideas for English teachers who never stop learning.
Using AI to transform English Language Teaching
In this article, Richard Moon shares some thoughts about using AI in the classroom and how he has been using it to engage learners and cut down on preparation time while also considering some of AIs drawbacks.
Read this postMediation refers to the use of language to collaborate with others and construct meaning. We examine why this form of interaction should be a pillar of every modern language classroom.
Read this postWe left this first part of this blog post facing a difficult issue: you can’t expect students to read extensively until they have a reasonable vocabulary; yet the best way to expand one’s vocabulary is by reading extensively. Here’s how we solve this enigma.
Read this postA third of today’s jobs require public speaking. However, the idea of expressing oneself in front of an audience is terrifying for most people! You can give your students a vital life skill by integrating presentations into your English class.
Read this postThis blog examines the importance of routines, norms and consequences in creating strong learning environments. With these essential educational elements, students feel supported and secure and are able to learn more deeply and fluidly.
Read this postWhy are the positive or negative messages we repeat to ourselves so powerful? In this blog, we’ll consider concrete ways to reprogram our beliefs in our own potential and that of our students. We’ll see how science illustrates exactly how we can achieve virtually anything we want through effort and determination.
Read this postDuring the pandemic of 2020, teachers all over the world had to prioritise their choices in order to be able to connect with their students. In this blog we will look at the conclusions they reached and how, after deep reflection, their students’ emotional well-being was determined to be most important of all.
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